74 research outputs found

    Obrazovanje i tržište rada: (ne)mogućnost sklada

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    U ovom radu se problematiziraju osnovne postavke ideje o mogućnosti da obrazovni sustav može odgovoriti na potrebe tržišta rada

    U sjeni: privatne instrukcije u obrazovanju Hrvatske

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    Knjiga predstavlja rezultate prvog sustavnog istraživanja o pojavi privatnih instrukcija u hrvatskom obrazovanju. Pojavu privatnih instrukcija predstavlja kao slojevit i složen problem u čijoj se osnovi nalaze brojni obrazovni, ekonomski i društveni čimbenici. Privatne instrukcije – privatni satovi i pripremni tečajevi za prijemne ispite za upis na fakultete – promatraju se kao „ sjena obrazovnog sustava“ koja mnogo govori o kvaliteti i funkcioniranju obrazovnog sustava. Istraživanjem su prikupljeni vrijedni podaci o raširenosti i razlozima korištenja privatnih instrukcija, osobinama korisnika i pružatelja usluga. Analizirana je ponuda privatnih satova i pripremnih tečajeva, te su razmatrani obrazovni, ekonomski i društveni čimbenici koji u hrvatskom obrazovnom kontekstu djeluju na održavanje i rast pojave. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su privatne instrukcije relevantan obrazovni problem koji ima ozbiljne posljedice na obrazovne rezultate i rad učenika i škola, a utječe i na funkcioniranje obrazovnog sustava i društva u cjelini. Pojava privatnih instrukcija može interferirati sa školskim procesima, a korištenje privatnih instrukcija utječe na održavanje i pojačavanje socio-ekonomskih razlika među učenicima, ugrožavajući tako jednake mogućnosti svih učenika za održavanje i napredovanje u sustavu. U knjizi se problematizira postojeća obrazovna politika prema pojavi privatnih instrukcija te se propituje vjerojatnost rasta pojave vezano uz najavljene promjene u obrazovnom sustavu, prije svega produljivanje obveznog obrazovanja i uvođenje državne mature. Na kraju, date su preporuke obrazovnoj politici za smanjivanje negativnih učinaka pojave

    Postati student u Hrvatskoj

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    Studija „Postati student u Hrvatskoj“ predstavlja osnovne empirijske spoznaje projekta „Analiza upisa na studijske programe visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj na osnovu rezultata ispita državne mature u razdoblju od akademske godine 2010./2011. do 2013./2014.“. Osnovni je cilj projekta bio dubinski analizirati proces upisa na studijske programe visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj na osnovu rezultata ispita državne mature kroz Nacionalni informacijski sustav za prijavu na visoka učilišta (NISpVU). Projekt se temeljio na analizi rezultata ispita državne mature te analizi podataka vezanih uz prijavu i odabire studijskih programa pristupnika u akademskim godinama 2010./2011., 2011./2012., 2012./2013. i 2013./2014

    Metodološki priručnik za izradu kurikuluma: područja kurikuluma, međupredmetne teme, predmeti

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    IN CROATIAN: U ovoj publikaciji predstavljene su metodološke upute za izradu tri razine kurikulumskih dokumenata nastale u okviru Cjelovite kurikularne reforme u razdoblju 2015.-2016. godine. Objedinjeni su metodološki priručnici za izradu dokumenata područja kurikuluma, međupredmetne teme i nastavne predmete. U metodološkim priručnicima se predlaže struktura kurikulumskih dokumenata te se opisuje kako pristupiti razradi pojedinog elementa kurikuluma. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na određivanje odgojno-obrazovnih očekivanja ili odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda, razradu preporuka za učenje, poučavanje i vrednovanje i povezivanje s drugim kurikulumskim dokumentima. Metodološki priručnici su poslužili stručnim radnim skupinama za izradu nacionalnih kurikulumskih dokumenata u Cjelovitoj kurikularnoj reformi, ali se mogu koristiti i kao upute za izradu kurikuluma na drugim razinama, onoj odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, razrednoj, izvedbenoj i osobnoj. --------------- IN ENGLISH: This publication presents methodological guidelines for the development of three levels of curriculum documents created within the framework of the Comprehensive Curricular Reform in the period 2015./16. In the publication tools for the development of the curricular documents at the following levels are presented: the areas of curriculum, cross-curricular themes and teaching subjects. The publication offers structures of the curriculum documents and describes how to approach the development of a particular element of the curriculum. Special emphasis is placed on the ways of formulating educational outcomes and elaborating recommendations for learning, teaching and assessment. The publication offers self-assessment tool for evaluating the process of curricular development. Although initially used for the development of the national curricular documents, the guidelines can be used for the curriculum development at other levels such as those of educational institutions, classrooms, teacher and individual pupil

    Cilj i metodologija istrazivanja

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    Prikaz ciljeva cjelokupnog istrazivanja te nacina uzorkovanja, konstrukcije instrumenata te modusa njihove primjene. Dodatno su objasnjene osnovne psihometrijske i statisticke odrednice samog istrazivanja

    Methodological considerations and challenges

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    The chapter presented a thorough description of the research methodology used in the qualitative comparative study of private tutoring phenomenon

    Science and religion in Croatian elementary education: pupils’ attitudes and perspectives

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    This book presents results of the research exploring pupils’ attitudes to, and self-expressed experience of, the study of the contrasting intellectual domains of science and religion in Croatian elementary education. Present day Croatian society demands both the development of scientific competence and a strong, traditional allegiance to Catholicism, a duality clearly mirrored in the education system. Science is taught extensively throughout education, and the vast majority of pupils also attend Catholic catechetic religious education (RE). Both domains are taught as independent ‘magisteria’, and offer conflicting knowledge claims to pupils on topics such as human origin. Pupils’ attitudes and experiences have been explored on three levels: (1) nature of, and underlying factors influencing, pupils’ attitudes towards school subjects ; (2) pupils’ conceptualisations, understandings and attitudes towards the general concepts of science and religion ; (3) pupils’ understanding, adherence to and attitudes towards the concurrent teaching of contrasting explanations for the origin of life. The research employed a sequential mixed model design using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A cross-sectional element surveyed the attitudes of over 200 pupils in each of two age cohorts (11-12 and 13-14 years), representing critical educational transitions, within a random stratified sample of elementary schools in Zagreb. Extensive qualitative data, emphasising pupil voice through interviews and diaries, were collected from 30 pupils in one school over eight months, during which time they made these transitions. Findings indicate pupils’ heterogeneous attitudinal and experiential schemata both between and within science subjects and RE. While science was perceived in a positive but detached manner, pupils found physics and chemistry abstract, difficult, irrelevant and uninteresting. Attitudes towards and experiences with catechetic Catholic RE undergo a significant drop as age increased. Pupils’ perspectives indicate emergence of the notion of religious belonging but with questionable believing. Further, pupils experienced cognitive conflict concerning contradictory scientific and religious knowledge claims as they traversed critical curricular shifts from biblical literalism to symbolism and ‘nature’ to ‘biology’. As such, pupils were left alone to construct their understandings of man’s origin, in the absence of any interdisciplinary dialogue. Pupils’ perspectives indicate that both science and RE have failed to meet their curricular aims or pupils’ needs. Educational implications are presented together with the argument that this failure may have grave consequences for the ambitious goals and presumed duality of two domains in Croatian society

    Wider societal sphere and the decision concerning the use of private tutoring

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    The chapter explores the influences of various elements stemming from the wider societal sphere on the decision concerning the use of private tutoring (PT) services. This chapter is divided into five sections. In the first section, the focus of the discussion is on an exploration of changes occurring in this transitional period to the public discourse surrounding the PT phenomenon. It is argued that the parallel processes of expanding PT use, increasingly open communication and increasing visibility of PT in the public sphere changed the public image of PT and lay the foundation for the development of an increasingly common view of PT as a normal and even necessary educational activity. The second section of this chapter explores the notion of PT as a normative behaviour and the ways in which this contributes to the familial decision concerning the use of PT services. The third section of this chapter examines the influences of a shifting public discourse surrounding PT and the normative nature of PT use on the decision concerning PT use. Here, the tendencies of pupils and parents to conform to the ‘PT norm’ and the manner in which social influence can be powerful in convincing families to follow the decisions and activities of others will be examined. The fourth section presents participants’ perspectives regarding the relationship between the perceived instrumentality of education for fulfilling personal future goals and the decision to use PT services. This section is guided by the idea that families invest in PT to increase the probability that their children will be successful within the educational system, thereby gaining access to higher educational levels that guarantee a greater return in the future. Finally, the last section of this chapter relates PT use with the level of competitiveness within educational systems and societies as a whole. Here, it will be argued that the demand for PT increases as a result of intense competition for educational opportunities and that families treat PT as a strategy for increasing or maintaining their children’s competitive advantage within the formal education system